Monday, August 30, 2004


Started a new job recently after many years of servitude to the baron. Fascinating that I would throw away years of effort climbing to the top of a molehill to start at the bottom again. Then again nobody ever said that I was logical or even sane.

So, I've been rocking up to work at half-eight every morning and clocking up around 8.5 hours a day.. doing not much. Seems like there's a lot of work at work but not many stable projects to spare someone to help "induct" me. Don't get me wrong but this place is huge.. projects seem to take on a life like some sort of mindless algea bloom. And acronyms seem to be the by-word in this place. Initially I started compiling a list so I can figure out what people are talking about, then I found on the Intranet a so-called jargon buster search function which allows you to key in things like CPI, SPEW and DOODLE and comes off with matches with internal projects. I've found a new sport of keying in odd words to find matching projects. Entertainment is in the soul of the beholder.

Oh yeah.. heard about the Johnny Howard (the Aussie PM) talking about elections again. Beats me why we have to vote every 4 years for a bunch of idiots. I guess the smart ones don't get into politics, instead seeking to make their fortune in private enterprises. The major parties have no policies worth speaking about and the minor parties are even worse.. We'll keep the bastards honest.

Be here next time for a brief digression to Tales of the Baron's Dungeon.

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