Thursday, September 09, 2004

Australian Politics

So here we go again.. right into another campaign where our esteemed leaders try to vie for top job. Trouble is both of them are twerps of the highest orders. This must be the only country where people think it's right to tax the rich in order to supplement the incomes of the poor. I can understand it if its to provide services that are accessible to _ALL_ tax payers, but to take money from those arbitarily defined as high-income earners and to give that to those arbitarily defined as in need of supplement is just plain ridiculous. Take my family for instance, we earn a fair chunk of money and we pay a fair chunk of taxes, yet it still costs us the same to raise a child as any other family. Does that mean that a child in a rich family does not deserve the same amount of government funding that a child in a less well off family gets? What the government should do is to give everyone with children a defined tax break for each child. For those who earn less than what the tax break gives back, then those get top ups. This way, its fair for every child. Just don't rob Peter to pay Paul.

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