Thursday, July 23, 2009

Its sunny today

Its been a year since I blogged. Mainly I've been hooked on facebook. It's quite a nice medium for keeping in touch with friends. You can put all sorts of stuff up. Set privacy levels so only friends can see them and its like your own BBS. Much better than writing emails.

However, I'm making up my mind. I will maintain 2 blogs and I will write at least once a week. About what? I don't know. One blog is basically going to be my blather about life in general. The other most likely will be specific happenings, maybe current affairs. It'll probably help consolidate my thinking or opinions and who knows.. I might improve on my writing.

I've been putting stuff on facebook for the past year. I've managed to catch up with many of my old school friends from overseas. Even if facebook starts charging for their service, most likely I'll pay for it .. gee that shows how much I like this stuff.

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